Reflective Journal 5 - The Quest

Far away, we learn, there is some priceless goal, worth any effort to achieve: a treasure, a promised land; something of infinite value. From the moment the hero learns of this prize, the need to set out on the long and hazardous journey to reach it becomes the most important thing in the world.  -Booker, 2004. 


The basic quest story unfolds through a series of stages:

1. The Call: The hero is given his task. The stakes are high but victory can not be achieved through any other means. 

2: The Journey: The process to achieve the goal is a long and treacherous one. The hero and his companions encounter a series of life-threatening ordeals, including monsters to overcome and temptations to be resisted. 

3: Arrival and Frustration: The hero arrives within sight of his goal, but he is far from the end of the story. There is a new set of obstacles to overcome. 

4. The Final Ordeal: The hero undergoes a final series of tests to prove that he is truly worthy. 

5. The Goal: After a last thrilling escape from death, the treasure is finally won. 

Quest stories include: The Odyssey, Shrek, Lord of the Rings, Jason and the Argonauts. 
How can we support pupils on writing a Quest story? First, they need their hero! 

Print pictures of the members of the class, they turn themselves into a hero by decorating and drawing their picture - possibly adding a crown, wings, a cape, a wand... 
Use questioning to support - what powers do you have? What are your strengths? What treasure are you seeking? Who are your companions? 
